I usually don't like to go for high-end products when it comes to the standard shades, obviously for my wallet' sake (come on, who spend 20 buck on a plain black gel liner? Not me...) But after having that wonderful little jar of Jane Be Pure mineral gel liner, I was wondering whether Stila, one of my favorite brands, would get the job done better...

Let's look at the swatch. (I have a mini jar in bronze, which came with the bronzer and the baked gold glow eyeshadow trio.)

As for the Smudge Pot in black. It's soft and inky alright? But the color of Jane Be Pure Mineral Gel Liner is noticeably more intense than Stila and while the Jane Liner itself appears to be not as soft, it's does transform into ink and glides on my eyelids once I dip the brush in. Application wise, Jane didn't lose either...
Now let's talk about staying power: I left the lines on my wrist for a while and Jane is a lot more long lasting than the rest. (The Wet n Wild Cream liner has even better staying powder than Jane.) The three shimmery shades sort of just caked away...(But don't take my word on it completly, since literally all foundation, liquid eyeliner, eyeliner pencil, concealer...things of that nature, cake on my eyes/face.)
Overall, when it comes to basic black gel liner Jane Be Pure Mineral totally beats Stila! (Unless you just like black that's not black enough?) Yay for drugtore gems and let's hope this thing doesn't dry up like the purple one did...
Even if it does, I can still get them 3 dollars a piece during sale.
And Spring is here, my desire for pretty eye shadow is blooming like flowers! No, this is not Tropic from the Summer collection (Which is on Nars website already) ...I gave up after knowing that the color is matte.

The pot in bronze is so pretty. When I was at sephora, I thought it just looked like the brown with sparkles. DX Have you seen the new 24k gold one with the gold bits? That looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteI really want to try the Jane one now!