Douche Bag of the Day: Plan B

I was reading Seventeen (I am a bit too old for it but whatever)magazine and there was a session where "hot celebrities" share their secrets on picking up girls and this random British rapper dude, Plan B, just managed to get on my nerve...
First, I don't get why out of so many people,he,(I guess people are starting to get sick of Robert Pattison, Taylor Lautner and Justin Bieber...) is there. Then, his words of wisdom just totally rubbed me the wrong way: "The best way of getting a girl's attention is by insulting her..." (Out of so many words, he picked "insult")... And for the nicest thing he has every done to a girl, he gave her 21 presents, because he "didn't get the impression that she was going to getting a lot of other ones" .

Did you get the name because the girl dumped you for a "Plan B"? Oh, of course I am doing it in a "joking way".


  1. I agree with what Asami said.
    It is never okay to insult a girl!

  2. oh wow he sounds like a douche!

    thanks for the tips! I actually have revlon coral reef and lilac pastelle. but I am on the look out for more revlon stuff once I am there XD

  3. What an idiot! It's never ok to insult anyone. There are other ways to make a girl laugh without insulting her and they all work much better to get their attention!

  4. I laughed. Well, it would get a girl's attention, but that's certain to make an awful first impression >: -).

    [I'm not offended by the presents thing though - it could be true. Maybe she did.]

  5. Cris:
    I just get the impression that he feels really good about himself(I don't see why, IMO, he is neither good-looking or that talented as singing/rapping...)while trying to put down other girls...I mean, who in the world would going all around and yell "Oh, I got a ton of stuff for my presents" (if getting a ton is really important?) . What he said basically sounds like "I am so merciful for giving 21 presents to an unpopular girl!" .

    Everything he said just managed to irk me.I expect things like this from a grade school least when they do it it's kind of cute.

  6. Lol... Who is that? So much for "celebrity." If guys follow that advice they're totally screwed


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