Organix is known for their yummy-smelling and colorfully packaged shampoo, now they decided to use the "natural" and cute appeal in their skin care line, I think the tactic is working well (since I am a little tempted already).

Cherry Blossom range includes Poppy Cleansing Milk, Lotus Floral Exfoliator, Orchid Anti-Aging Lotion and Argan Oil Replenishing Night Cream
Coconut Milk Hibiscus Foaming Cleanser has White Tea Protective Lotion, Sesame Oil Luminous Moisture Cream and Sugar Cane Self Warming Scrub.The range costs from 10-15 bucks but goes on sale from time to time.
A little side note, Reviva Labs skincare is now found is now available at ULTA but I think the pricing is a little higher than what I saw in a Natural Grocer.
I saw NouveauCheap review the two cleansers, might just try it out but so far I've only seen it at Rite Aid, hmm