While everybody else is doing pastel nail colors (hate them), Milani shocked me a little with their serious bling.
Milani Liquid Metal nail lacquer (with high reflective finish, cool shades, new formula blah blah blah.) are just a set of metallic nail colors (perfect time for prom!) with silly names like "I am on line" or even sillier ones I don't remember...
The stand out pieces for me are the black-pearlish one, the silver one and the one in metallic purply-taupe. I would guess these nail polish have decent formula as I have gotten quite a few of their LE nail lacquer and they all performs rather well. (In the other hand, the nail polish from their permanent line sucks...I have tried 2 and I just gave up.)
I might pick up the silver and/or the gold one if I have ever accumulate enough coupons...

These look awesome!