Your Plan After Guaduation?

Last day of tennis class, the coach decided to drag all the guaduating seniors up front and make each of them to do a little speech about their future plans.

Guy A: "I am a mechanical engineering major, I will be in Winbledon this summer."
(ME playing in Wimbledon!? He is just visiting, right?)

Girl A: " I am a French/government major, I am still thinking about grad school/law school..."
(Start Studying now! UT law school is picky they didn't let Bush in...haha)

Guy B: " I am a finance major, I will be working for Washington Mutual."
(Hey, not bad.)

Guy C: "I am a biomedical engineering major...I have no idea what to do...Maybe MCAT? PCAT? and GMAT..."

A freshman bio major: "You might as well take the LSAT"
